aperturas psicoanalíticas

aperturas psicoanalíticas

revista internacional de psicoanálisis

Número 019 2005 Revista Internacional de Psicoanálisis

Temario Psychoanal. Dialog., 14, 5 (2004)

Autor: Aperturas Psicoanalíticas

A Journal of Relational Perspectives


Volume 14                                            2004                                           Number 5

State of the hope: THe new bad object in the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis
Steven H. Cooper, Ph.D.

The cocreation of fantasy and the transformation of psychic structure
Christopher Bonovitz, Psy.D.
Remembering where you come from: Dissociative process in multicultural individuals
Susan Bodnar, Ph.D.
Toward a critical global in psychoanalysis
Gary B. Walls, Ph.D.
The politics of relational psychoanalysis
Steven Botticelli, Ph.D.
Culture, influence, and the "I.ness" of me: Commentary on papers by Susan Bodnar, Gary B. Walls, and Steven Botticelli
Cleonie White, Ph.D.
The "we" in you and I: Reply to commentary
Susan Bodnar, Ph.D.
Socio-relational psychoanalysis and agency: Reply to commentary
Gary B. Walls, Ph.D.
The perils of polemic: Reply to commentary
Steven Botticelli, Ph.D.

* Editors' note: Part II, consisting of a case presentation by Beatrice Beebe, Ph.D. with comments by Michael Heller, Ph.D., Carolyn Clement, Ph.D., and Judith Edwards, P. Psych. Psych., with a reply by Dr. Beebe, will appear in the next issue of this journal.


Psychoanalytic Dialogues (ISSN 1048-1855) is issued bimonthly by The Analytic Press, Inc. , 810 East 10th Street, P.O. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897. Annual subscription rate for individuals is $78.50; for institutions $255. Annual rate for subscribers located outside the U.S.A. and Canada for individuals is $108.50; for institutions $285. Single issues are: domestic: $17.50; foreign, $23.50. Prices are subjecto change without notice. To order call 800-627-0629 between 9:00 & 5:00 C.T. or write to The Analytic Press, 810 East 10th Street, P.O. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897. Postmaster: send address changes to Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 810 East 10th Street, P.O. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897. Periodicals postage paid at Lawrence, KS.


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