Número 015 2003 Revista Internacional de Psicoanálisis Aperturas
Temario Psy. Q., LXXII, 1 (2003)
Autor: Aperturas PsicoanalíticasTHE PSYCHOANALYTIC QUARTERLY
Volume LXXII 2003 No. 1
Editor's Introduction |
HENRY F. SMITH .Theory and Practice: Intimate Partnership or False Connection? |
1 |
Original Articles |
PETER FONAGY. Some Complexities in the Relationship of Psychoanalytic Theory to Technique |
13 |
HENRY F. SMITH. Conceptions of Conflict in PsychoanalyticTheory and Practice |
49 |
GAIL S. REED. Spatial Metaphors of the Mind |
97 |
ALVARO REY DE CASTRO. In Search of the Elusive Nature of Clinical Psychoanalytic Theory |
131 |
PAUL H. ORNSTEIN and ANNA ORNSTEIN. The Function of Theory in Psychoanalysis: A Self Psychological Perspective |
157 |
ANTONINO FERRO. Marcella: The Transition from Explosive Sensoriality to the Ability to Think |
183 |
FRED BUSCH. Back to the Future |
IRWIN HIRSCH. Analysts' Observing-Participation with Theory |
217 |
MARCIANNE BLEVIS and JUDITH FEHER-GUREWICH. The Jouissance of fhe Other and the Prohibition of Incest: A Lacanian Perspective |
241 |
MARILIA AISENSTEIN .Does the Cure Come as a Byproduct of Psychoanalytic Treatment? |
263 |
Discussion |
ROBERT MICHELS. The Several Relationships of Theory and Pracfice |
275 |
P.O. Box 4496, Grand Central Station, New York, N.Y. 10163-4496
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