aperturas psicoanalíticas

aperturas psicoanalíticas

revista internacional de psicoanálisis

Número 008 2001 Revista Internacional de Psicoanálisis Aperturas 8

Temario Psy. Q., LXIX, 4 (2000)

Autor: Aperturas Psicoanalíticas



Volume LXIX                                   2000                                          No. 4

CHARLES BRENNER. Observations on Some Aspects
of  Current Psychoanalytic  Theories                                                               597
CAROLYN S. ELLMAN. The Empty Mother: Women's
Fear of Their Destructive Envy                                                                         633

EUGENE HALPERT. On Lying and the Lie of a Toddler                              659

MARK O'CONNELL. Subjective Reality, Objetive Reality,
Modes of  Relatedness, and Therapeutic Action                                           677

STEPHEN RUSH. At One with Death: Destructive
Narcissism                                                                                                         711

STUART W. TWEMLOW. The Roots of  Violence: Converging
Psychoanalytic Explanatory Models for Power Struggles and
violence in  Schools                                                                                          741

BOOK REVIEWS. P. Bromberg: Standing in the Spaces: Essays
on Clinical Process, Trauma, and Dissociation. R. Galatzer-Levy,
H. Bachrach, A. Skolnikoff, and S. Waldron, Jr.: Does
Psychoanalysis Work? P. Stepansky: Freud, Surgery and the
Surgeons. J. Gurewich and M. Tort: Lacan and the New Wave in
American Psychoanalysis: The Subject and the Self. T. Dorpat:
Gaslighting, the Double Whammy, Interrogation, and Other
Methods of Covert Control in Psychotherapy and Analysis.
N. Chodorow: The Power of Feelings: Personal Meaning in
Psychoanalysis, Gender, and Culture.                                                       787

PSYCHANALYSE. LXI, 1, 1997                                                                   821

CONTENTS OF VOLUME LXIX                                                                  831

NAME INDEX                                                                                                839

SUBJECT INDEX                                                                                         851

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